Technology is now much easier to use than in the past (see image right!). This ease of understanding is being accelerated by universal standards, and of course programs like MS-Office!
Another feature of this juncture in human development, where we migrate more and more aspects of our daily life, interests, and passions online, is the ease with which information can be shared across devices and ported from one place to another.
For instance in the case of Facebook there are a number of features that can be activated to allow for the seamless integration of other social networking sites (SNS) platforms (such as the videos from your YouTube channel as well as your company Twitter feeds) as well as other owned assets (such as posts from your official blog) into a page.
Any successful SNS looking for longevity will have a whole range of tools on-hand to help you integrate your content easily within their platform.
The short-term benefit is that these features advance the speed with which your communications messages can be shared with the connected SNS crowds. However, the medium-long term impact – unless this has been scripted into your online strategy – is not being able to know at what point this life of luxury will end and you find yourself company assetts at the mercy of another SNS.
As the following clip shows, there are remarkable similarities between the real-life dynamics of businesses embracing social media and this piece of childhood fiction, that frankly I still find quite scary today.
Author Information
Glyn S. H. has been online marketing since 1999 and has developed campaigns for leading luxury brands that have included Nestlè and Interflora . He works primarily in for the Travel and Tourism sector, helping hotels beat-down OTA paychecks. He has a web-marketing company, a Masters in Professional Communication, speaks fluent Italian, and is married with two kids. He also has a good sense of humour – essential for survival in web-marketing. He is not employed by Google. To contact via email: glyn@ (this domain).
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